Vanilla Soufflé

I have always avoided making soufflés because there usually is very little room for error. However I managed to put together a full-proof recipe inspired by Le cordon bleu’s original recipe. This hot vanilla soufflé is the perfect end to a meal. Its fluffy texture just melts in your mouth, and its sweetness is just right. I would off course recommend you make it in advance just incase you have never made the individual components before. Once you have mastered that, you can always prepare the pastry cream in advance stored in the fridge then whip up the egg whites, fill the prepared dishes and bake when needed. Baking a soufflé for guests takes guts I would have to say, so why not show your guests the work you have put into it and prepare it in their presence? I hope this recipe does justice to all soufflés. Enjoy!


  • 300ml Milk
  • 40g Sugar (For the pastry cream)
  • 1/2 Vanilla bean
  • 1 tbsp Cornstarch
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 3 egg whites
  • 1(1/2) tbsp Sugar (For the meringue) 


  1. Prepare the Pastry cream: In a pan, add the milk, seeds scraped out of the vanilla pod, the vanilla pod itself, and half of the sugar. Allow it to come to a simmer for a 4 minutes. In a bowl whisk together the egg yolks, remaining sugar and cornstarch. Pour a third of the milk mixture into the egg yolks and whisk vigorously to prevent scrambling the eggs. Pour the contents of the bowl back into the pan and allow to heat whilst whisking until the cream thickens. Pour it into a bowl or a wide dish, place cling film over the top of the cream (touching the cream) and allow to cool before refrigerating. 
  2. Prepare the French Meringue: Whisk the egg whites to soft peaks while gradually adding in the sugar until stiff peaks have formed. 
  3. Assemble soufflé filling: Begin by adding a third of the merginue into the pastry cream. Whisk vigorously to begin incorporating the egg whites. Then gently fold in the remaining meringue into the pastry cream using a spatula. 
  4. Prepare Soufflé dishes: Coat the inside surface of the dishes with butter and sugar, tipping out any access. Then fill the ramekins with the filling to the top. Run you thumb around the edge of the ramekin to form a ring (This will allow the soufflé to rise easily).  
  5. Bake the soufflés for 25-30 mins in a 190C oven keeping an eye not to burn the tops. 
  6. Once baked, sprinkle with icing sugar and serve immediately.



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